The safety of our Sharks is always the top priority. We follow and abide by the OCYFL By-Laws in our operation and gameplay.
COACH TRAINING: Every SciCoh Coach is required to take annual "Heads Up" Coach Certification Training with USA Football. This training includes various safety, health, and technique courses including; concussion/cardiac arrest recognition and protocol, heat exhaustion, hydration, tackling, blocking, coaching foundations and principles, and much more. The head coach and 1 assistant coach for every team are also trained annually in CPR and First Aid. CORI background checks are done on all coaches every season.
GEAR: Every SciCoh player practices with a Guardian Cap on their helmet. Guardian Caps are padded covers that help reduce impact. Many NFL teams have now implemented the use of Guardian Caps during their practices. SciCoh sends all helmets to the original manufacturer for inspection and reconditioning every other year. Shoulder pads are also sent for inspection and reconditioning every other year. Helmets are retired and replaced after 10 years from the original manufacture date.
EMT: For every game, SciCoh hires an EMT to be on the sidelines to evaluate and treat any player injuries, including potential concussion concerns. The EMT is the only person that can clear a player's return to gameplay. Coaches, parents/guardians, officials, volunteers, or SciCoh Board of Director Members CAN NOT clear any player’s return to gameplay, even if it is their own child in question and even if the parent/coach are licensed medical professionals themselves. Anyone who disrespects, argues with or disputes an EMT’s decision will be asked to leave the game site.
FILM: SciCoh uses HUDL to film every game. Coaches review this game film as an extra tool for not only play execution and position responsibility review of players but, more importantly, to also recognize and correct any safety concerns. The SciCoh Board of Directors and OCYFL may also review this film if any player or coach disciplinary action is needed.
CONCUSSION INFO: Please review the concussion facts page for information.