Attendance is required to ensure the safety and success of all teams. When athletes miss practice, it impacts the entire team. We cannot safely stunt and choreograph halftime routines when there are excessive absences. Please make every effort to attend ALL practices and games. If your child will be absent or late for practice or games, you must contact their coach(es) AS SOON AS POSSIBLE. Please do not rely on teammates to let them know.


● Tardiness is considered arriving more than five minutes after the expected start time of any game, practice, competition, or other event. Anytime an athlete expects to arrive later than five minutes after start time they are to contact their head coach as soon as possible to notify them.

● More than three tardies to any event will result in the cheerleader being removed from the next game’s halftime routine.

● Continued/excessive tardiness will require a conference to be held with the Board of Directors and/or SciCoh President to determine further consequences.


● Cheerleaders are allowed THREE unexcused absences to practices or games.

● Excused absences are: medical, school functions, and family emergencies.

● Excused absences are NOT: participation in another sport or activity, birthday parties, social events, or vacations.

● Coaches will contact a parent/guardian after TWO absences and the cheerleader will be removed from the next game’s halftime routine.

● After the THIRD unexcused absence, the cheerleader will be removed from the next game’s halftime routine and a conference will be held with the cheerleader, parent(s)/guardian(s), head coach, Cheer Vice President(s) and SciCoh Executive Board and or SciCoh President. At this time we will revisit this Attendance Policy and will review the consequence of the fourth unexcused absence. Consequences may include but are not limited to sitting out further half time performances or games, removal from competition squad, or dismissal from the program.

If there is a conflict with another activity in which you participate, it is expected that SciCoh Cheer will come first- absence or tardiness due to another sport or program will NOT be considered excused.

Attendance will be taken at the beginning of each practice, game or event and tracked through the season. Cheerleaders are expected to show up on time, and remain for the entirety of the practice to not be counted as absent.

An unexcused absence of a pre-game practice, or tardiness that results in missing more than 15 minutes of the pre-game practice, will result in the cheerleader being pulled from the halftime routine for that game immediately.

Removal from the halftime routine still requires the cheerleader to be present and support their team while they are performing. Non-participating athletes will stay on the field with their coaches and are expected to cheer on their team with a positive attitude.

Having to sit out a game still requires the cheerleader to be present and support their team from the sideline. Cheer athletes sitting out are expected to still be on time and dressed and will remain on the sideline with their coaches, conducting themselves appropriately. *We understand situations arise and will be handled on an individual basis, please contact your head coach or the SciCoh Football & Cheer Board of Directors as soon as possible to discuss any extenuating circumstances.

Please contact your head coach or a member of the SciCoh Board of Directors for any questions or concerns.